8.5.0 - Finally!
After some waiting since I anounced the new features YACReader 8.5.0 is finally here :)
Linux packages are not ready yet, but they will be soon.
I am not sure about what is going to happen with a possible package for Raspbian, now that YACReaderLibraryServer is available running it in those small devices seems the way to go for having a cheap 24/7 comics server for the iOS client. I will try to write a tutorial about this. In any case, help with Linux's packages is really needed, so if you are willing to help, let me know.
As always, any feedback is really appreciated.
NOTE: This is for OSX users only. Since the last update of OSX I am having problems again with codesign, so I am releasing the OSX version without code signing. Sorry for that. I could use a hand with this too.
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