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YACReader 9.6.0 is out!

September 27, 19

It was long overdue, but this new version is finally here. Check what's new:

  • RAR5 support.
  • Fix some issues in magnifying glass when used in hdpi screens.
  • New setting to close YACReaderLibrary to the system tray. Yay! This is specially relevant for those who use YACReaderLibrary for streaming comics to the iOS app.
  • Fastest and more reliable sync back from iOS.
  • Option to hide current/next comic banner in the grid view.
  • Fix saving progress when reading in double page mode.
  • Fixes in Comic Vine integration.
  • Other fixes and stability improvements.

I know it doesn't look like much, but a lot of work has been done to keep the project in good shape, it is not visible for the final user yet, but it will pay off in the long term.

I would like to thank you all for using YACReader, for becoming part of the community and for all your help testing pre-release, and providing feedback. Thanks to all the contributors making YACReader better and better, I can't thank you enough for all those PRs. Felix, thanks for helping with the forum and thank you for all that "non visible" work that keeps the project in good shape.

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