The best way for reading your comics

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New Android release, 1.6.0

August 28, 24

Check the new features in 1.6.0 for Android and let me know what you think:

  • New remote library list to browse recently added content.
  • Indicator for new content, there are settings to control what's considered new and to hide the indicator.
  • Setting to disable page turn animation on tap to improve the reading experience in e-ink devices.
  • Setting to disable tap gestures.
  • Menu entry to reimport comics metadata from the server.
  • Better flexibility to show information in the "What's new" view.
  • Fixed folders import to avoid creating duplicated comics.


February 16, 24

Hi there,

All apps have been updated! Check all the new stuff:

YACReader for desktops 9.14.2


  • Add setting to disable scroll animations and scroll smoothing, recommended if you are using a touch pad or if you find the mouse wheel behaviour laggy.
  • Fix missing translation when opening YACReader from YACReaderLibrary.


  • Fix "Set type" context menu the grid view for folders.
  • Add a different versioning strategy for databases. DBs version will change only when the structure changes and not when YACReader version changes.
  • Add support for updating libraries automatically with various settings to chose from. During automatic library updates most actions are disabled, you can stop an update by clicking on the busy indicator next to the Libraries title.
  • Improve content reloading. Navigation and selection state is no longer reseted after content changes (e.g. library updates, tags edits, etc.).
  • The app will try to move comics and folders to the trash bin when deletions are requested, if the file system used doesn't support trash bin the files will be removed permanetly.
  • Add menu to choose what columns are displayed in the table comics view (do a right click on the header to show it). The view has new 3 new headers to choose from (Series, Volume and Story arc).
  • Migrate `number` and `arcNumber` data types to `TEXT`. This only affects databases created before 9.13 and fixes problems with some formats of numbers (e.g. 1.10).
  • Propage update date to all the parent folders.
  • Fix crash when resorting comics in reading lists in table view view and the comic flow is hidden.
  • Fix cover loading in QML views due to malformed URLs.
  • Improve style of the webui status page.
  • Fix type not being propagated to new files in a folder.
  • Mark the current type in the context menu so the user can know the current type.
  • Fix columns in the search results.
  • Fix type not being propagated to new folders from their parents.
  • Fix default type set to folders in the root folder when they are added.
  • Improve and fix comic file size format.


  • Add `rescan-xml-info` command.
  • Improved API to provide better integration with the clients (Android 1.4.0 and iOS 3.29.0).

All Apps

  • New universal builds for macos.

YACReader for iOS 3.29.1

  • Support Face ID to access locked content.
  • Better image rendering for super tall images in web comics.
  • Better integration with YACReaderLibrary 9.14.1.
  • Fix crash when closing Search view in the local library
  • Avoid triggering swipe gestures by mistake while reading

YACReader for Android 1.4.2

  • You can now import comics and folder from the remote browser into a local library, use a long tap in an item to open the import menu. Read progress is automatically synchronized with the server. Please, keep in mind that you'll need to update the server to 9.14.1 or later.
  • The UI has received some minor updates.
  • Fixes and stability improvements.

I hope you enjoy this new versions. As always, let me know any suggestions or problems you may have. Please, if you like YACReader consider to become a patron in Patreon or donate some money using Pay-Pal and help keeping the project alive.

New features


9.13.0 brings new metadata support and more.

July 09, 23

New features

YACReaderLibrary 9.13


  • Add shortcuts for moving by one the double page mode to the left/right, by default CTRL + SHIFT + LEFT, and, CTRL + SHIFT + RIGHT. Remember that you can change any shortcut in the shortcuts dialog. You can also achieve this functionality using the "Go to page flow" and chossing the page you want to be on the left/right (depending on the reading mode comic/manga).


  • Avoid showing stale information in the server config dialog by updating the connection information when the dialog is opened.
  • Add new metadata support, it improves compatibility with ComicInfo.xml
  • Add support for showing a "recently added/updated" indicator. The number of days to consider something recent can be configured in the settings.
  • Improved comic metadata dialog.
  • Add textual tags support that can be queried through the search engine.
  • Make = in the search engine work as : does.
  • Add new operators to the search engine: exact match ==, <, >, <=, >=.
  • Support filtering by since/before dates in the search engine. e.g. added > 7 means recent content added since 7 days ago, and added < 30 means content added before the last 30 days.
  • Show the full library path in the dialog shown to warn about missing libraries.
  • Fix scroll bar in the info comics view in Qt6 builds.
  • New Recent smart list, it will show recent comics added.
  • Try to detect changed files with the same name on libraries updates, there is also a new setting to decide if the modified date of a file should be used as an indicator to know if the file has been changed since it was added (disabled by default).
  • Fix alphanumeric navigation in the folders tree view. Shortcuts were interfering the default behaviour, now some shortcuts will be ignored if the folders tree has the focus.
  • Fix sorting in the Comic Vine series selection dialog.
  • Fix getting only distinct rows when querying folders through the search engine.

All Apps

  • New icons for macos.

I hope you enjoy this new version. As always, let me know any suggestions or problems you may have. Please, if you like YACReader consider to become a patron in Patreon or donate some money using Pay-Pal and help keeping the project alive.

A decade of YACReader for iOS

April 28, 23

What a journey! Thank you very much for being there!

YACReader 1.0 available for Android

April 16, 23

I am glad to announce that, after years of requests, YACReader for Android is finally here.

YACReader for Android

This first version is a remote browser and reader for YACReaderLibrary

Discover all its features in its official page and learn how to use reading its user guide.

YACReader on Google Play Store

I hope you enjoy this family member of the YACReader ecosystem. As always, let me know any suggestions or problems you may have. Please, if you like YACReader consider to become a patron in Patreon or donate some money using Pay-Pal and help keeping the project alive.